30 Romantic WhatsApp Status And Whatsapp Photos Quotes (Latest) 2018
Romantic whatsapp status and whatsapp photos shows what you think about love and how
well you can express it. Here are some of the romantic whatsapp online

2. Nothing is perfect, but when I'm with you everything is perfect.
3. Thinking of you is easy, I do it every day. Missing you is the heartache that never goes away.
4. I love my life because it gave me you; I love you because you are my life.
5. There are only two times that I want to be with you… Now and Forever.
6. If I could choose between loving you and breathing I would chose my last breathe to say I love you.
7. Life can give us lots' of beautiful persons, but only one person is enough for a beautiful life…
8. The essence of romantic love is that wonderful beginning, after which sadness and impossibility may become the rule.
9. Everyone says you only fall in love once, but that's not true. Every time I hear you voice I fall in Love all over again.



13. I dropped a tear in the ocean, the day that I find it is the day I'll stop loving you.
14. You are the reason why I smile, I love, I breath, I live.
15. My love for you is like a mirror. You can break it into pieces but when you look closely, you're still in it.
16. In the world there are billions of people, In my eyes I see only you.
17. Age does not protect us from love, But love to some extent protects us from age.
18. I wish dreams were like wishes, and wishes came true, cause in my dreams I'm always with you.
19. Your cute smile is all I need to battle all struggles in my life.
20. I cannot promise to solve all your problems but I can only make sure that I will never let u face them alone.
21. You are like a bright sun as your blazing love can even make the stars fade away.
22. I love you. 1 second to say. 2 minutes to explain and a lifetime to prove it.
23. Love the One Who Makes Ur World Beautiful.





